In person

Bay Area Bazel Meet-up

Join us for the Bay Area Bazel Meet-up for a technical deep dive into enhancing your scanning process and optimizing your development workflow.

Scalable SCA with Monorepo and Bazel

Alexandre Wilhelm, Founding Engineer, Endor Labs

Scanning a monorepo with traditional SCA tools is often inefficient, resulting in hours of scanning and numerous irrelevant results due to the lack of incremental scanning capabilities.

Endor Labs addresses this issue by offering native support for Bazel and monorepo. In this session, Alexandre will discuss the benefits of using Endor Labs as your SCA tool with Bazel, focusing on:  
- Utilizing Bazel's native query for analysis
- Improving data accuracy compared to traditional SCA tools with reachability
- Performing incremental scans of your monorepo with Bazel and Endor Labs

Custom BUILD File Generation with Starlark Gazelle Extensions

Alex Eagle, Co-founder & CEO, Aspect

Gazelle started out as a generator for Go targets in Bazel's BUILD files. It has grown to cover more languages, but the API for authoring extensions is in Go only, and requires end-users to recompile a go_binary in order to run the tool.

Aspect's CLI has a built-in Gazelle generator behind the 'configure' verb. In this talk I present a new capability of `aspect configure`: the ability to author BUILD file generation logic in Starlark, the same language used to write Bazel extensions such as rules and macros. I'll show some examples and explain how this benefits devinfra teams and product developers.

September 12, 2024
5:30 - 8:00 PM PT
Endor Labs HQ
444 High St Ste 300

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