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Container Layer Analysis: Clarity in Remediation

Container layer analysis tells you which layer contains a vulnerability so you can prioritize remediation efforts more effectively and meet SLAs like FedRAMP.

Container layer analysis tells you which layer contains a vulnerability so you can prioritize remediation efforts more effectively and meet SLAs like FedRAMP.

Container layer analysis tells you which layer contains a vulnerability so you can prioritize remediation efforts more effectively and meet SLAs like FedRAMP.

Written by
Pawan Shankar
Published on
October 2, 2024

Container layer analysis tells you which layer contains a vulnerability so you can prioritize remediation efforts more effectively and meet SLAs like FedRAMP.

Container layer analysis tells you which layer contains a vulnerability so you can prioritize remediation efforts more effectively and meet SLAs like FedRAMP.

Container security is a pivotal concern as organizations increasingly rely on containers to deliver scalable and reliable applications. Ensuring that these containers are free from vulnerabilities requires a methodical approach that goes beyond surface-level scanning. At Endor Labs, you take container security a step further by offering layered analysis, designed to meticulously examine every layer of your container images and guide you through effective remediation.

Understanding the layered architecture of containers

Think of container layers like the layers of a cake. The base layer is like the sturdy foundation of the cake, such as the sponge, while the application layers are like the frosting and decorations that make it unique and functional. Just as a baker checks each cake layer for quality to ensure it’s safe to eat, the AppSec team needs to analyze each container layer to make sure it's secure. If something’s wrong in the base, it could spoil the whole cake, while an issue in the frosting might be easier to fix without affecting the rest.

Why layered analysis in containers is essential for remediation

In many organizations, different teams are responsible for different aspects of the container. DevOps or security teams often manage the base image, ensuring it meets organizational standards and security requirements. Meanwhile, development teams own the application layers, focusing on building and maintaining the application packages and dependencies.

This division of responsibilities can create gaps in security if vulnerabilities in either the base image or the application layers are overlooked. A traditional security scan might flag vulnerabilities without distinguishing where they reside, leading to confusion about ownership and responsibility.

As James from Latio Tech said, “Without layers, I’d just be dead in the water trying to hunt down how to fix something.” Understanding the specific layer where a vulnerability originates is crucial for effective remediation. Without this clarity, teams can waste valuable time chasing down issues across the entire container image, rather than focusing on the exact source of the problem.

By analyzing each individual layer, you can:

  • Identify Vulnerable Base Layers: Base layers often include widely used open source OS images, and vulnerabilities in these layers can have far-reaching consequences, affecting multiple containers and even different applications within your environment. By identifying and remediating these vulnerabilities, you can significantly reduce the attack surface.
  • Isolate Application-Specific Issues: After addressing base layer vulnerabilities, team’s usually shift focus to the application layers. These layers are where your code and dependencies live. Focus on vulnerabilities introduced by your specific application or its dependencies to remediate
  • Enhance Efficiency in Remediation: By understanding the origin of each vulnerability, you can prioritize fixes that have the broadest impact, saving time and reducing risk.

Container layer analysis with Endor Labs

Endor Labs' layered analysis brings clarity by providing insights into each layer of your container. For every layer added to your container, our analysis reveals:

  • The dependencies introduced
  • The commands (ex. Via Dockerfile) that brought in these dependencies
  • The associated vulnerabilities

With this information included in findings, developers can stop guessing whether the vulnerability originates from the base image or the application layer. Instead, they can quickly trace the problem back to the exact line of code that introduced it, streamlining the remediation process.

Consider an example where you have a Java application running on a container with a base image like openjdk:17. If a security scan flags a vulnerability (such as a high-severity issue in a dependency like org.apache.commons:commons-text) it can be challenging to determine where this vulnerability was introduced. 

Detailed container layer visibility with Endor Labs

With Endor Labs' layered analysis, you can immediately identify that the vulnerability was introduced during the COPY /app/target/endor-java-youbapp-demo-jar-with-dependencies.jar  step in your Dockerfile. This insight tells you that the issue lies within your application’s dependencies, and that updating or replacing this library is the key to remediation. Similarly, if it’s a critical OS vulnerability, the image hierarchy shows how the base image itself is constructed, helping you to narrow your remediation.

Having this level of detail is essential for making informed decisions about how to remediate vulnerabilities. Without layered analysis, developers may struggle to determine which of these actions is necessary, leading to trial and error and wasted time. Endor Labs’ container security solution dissects each layer of your container images. Here's how our approach stands out:

  • Investigate individual container layers
  • Base layer vulnerability detection
  • Application layer focus

Investigate individual container layers 

Our analysis begins by identifying and categorizing each layer of the container. It distinguishes between the base image layers and the application-specific layers, enabling a clear understanding of where vulnerabilities lie.

Base layer vulnerability detection

We identify the precise base layers that contain critical vulnerabilities that might affect multiple containers across your organization. Your team can assign JIRA tickets to the relevant team that owns your public/private base images.

Application layer focus

After addressing base layer vulnerabilities, we shift focus to the application layers. These layers are where your code and dependencies live. Our analysis highlights vulnerabilities unique to your application stack, providing insights into how specific dependencies might be introducing risk. These application package findings in the container can also be correlated with our software composition analysis (SCA) scans to help you consolidate alerts so you aren’t wasting resources chasing multiple alerts for the same vulnerability. 

Get started with Endor Labs

By knowing exactly which layer a vulnerability resides in, you can prioritize remediation efforts more effectively and make it easier to meet SLAs (like FedRAMP). Base layer issues might require a coordinated response from DevOps, while application layer vulnerabilities can often be fixed directly by developers through patching or updating specific libraries.

Book a 20-minute demo to learn how Endor Labs turns your vulnerability prioritization workflows dreams into a reality or start a free, full featured 30-day trial that includes test projects and the ability to scan your own projects.

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